Gas market / Committee

The Natural Gas Committee (FÖB) is a permanent committee for the analysis, opinion making, proposing, sometimes strategic work of HETA. The FÖB cooperates with the board of HETA, its experts and other (permanent and ad-hoc) committees. The FOB maintains contact with authorities, as well as with other third parties and organizations in accordance with its competence.

FÖB fulfills the professional tasks related to the gas market in accordance with the activities ,and the coordination of the professional interests of the HETA’Smembers, Represent and protect the professional activities of them. The Commission's activities include examining and developing an opinion on some of the professional issues involved in the cooperation of members, and coordinating professional issues in so far as these issues are addressed and discussed by the members within the framework of the HETA. The activities of FÖB are mainly based on their own annual work plan as defined in the work plan. The work plan will be accepted by the FÖB and will be forwarded to the board for information.


Gábor RékaiChairman

In 2000 he graduated from the University of Szeged with specialisations in modeling and programming mathematics. In 2007 he started working in the industry at E.ON Energy Trading Ltd. as a natural gas portfolio manager. At first, he focused on forecasting, optimization and automation. In 2014, CAM NC and BAL NC started to get involved in regulatory work and have since represented the company on the Natural Gas Committee of the HETA. Since 2014, he has been responsible for procurement priority cases. Member of the Data Exchange Control Board from 2021.

Vice Chairman

Albin Zoltán BedőVice Chairman