About us / The Board


Dr. Norbert BorossChairman

Dr. Norbert Boross was previously Director of Regulatory Management and Communications at ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Group for about 21 years, and then worked as a researcher at the Zero Carbon Working Group of the BME and at the University of Óbuda. He specialised in the integration of renewable resources into the energy system.

Vice Chairman

Tamás HiezlVice Chairman - electricity

Tamás Hiezl has been representing the interests of companies involved in electricity trading at a very high professional level for years on the board of the Hungarian Energy Traders' Association. His knowledge of the electricity industry acquired over the last decade or more is outstanding and his experience in both sales and procurement is particularly impressive.

Board Members

András HazlachBoard Member - electricity

He has been working in the electricity sector since 2001. In 2012 he became proprietary trading director at MVM Partner Zrt, in the previous year he was market development director at MVM Trade Zrt. Prior to that he worked six years abroad in different trading and chief trader positions at Mercuria Energy Trading SA, RBS Sempra Commodities Plc and Electrabel SA. Between 2001 and 2005 he worked at SUEZ Electrabel Group at Electrabel Hungary and Dunamenti TPP dealing with electricity market liberalization issues.

Dániel Marcell HorváthBoard Member - gas

As the Head of Group Natural Gas and Power Supply and Trading of MOL Group, he is responsible for the supply of electricity and natural gas of MOL Group, for the sales of own produced natural gas and for the trading with 3rd parties. In addition, he supervises and manages MOL Group's supply and trading of natural gas and electricity in Slovakia. and in Croatia in close cooperation with local leaders. Regarding his professional background, he has almost 20 years of experience in the field of energy markets and industry, prior to his 8.5 years at MOL Group, he worked for a number of large local and international energy companies and held positions related to energy trading, where he participated in the implementation, execution and management of domestic, regional and European scale electricity and natural gas trading transactions. From 2015 to 2018, he worked as an electricity originator and trader at ENGIE Global Markets and ENGIE EEM in Brussels. Between 2012 and 2015, he was deputy director of local portfolio management and head of local origination at GDF SUEZ EHH Zrt. From 2009 to 2012, he was a senior electricity trader at MOL PLC, from 2005 to 2008 he performed electricity and emission trading tasks at E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Kft., and in 2004 he worked as an energy analyst at MVM Zt. He completed his master’s degree as an economist at the Budapest University of Economics.

As a board member, his mission is to support the further development and harmonization of the Hungarian electricity and natural gas markets with regional and European markets, including the facilitation of sustainable energy solutions and the effective management of responses to potential energy crises.

Éva PillárBoard Member - electricity

I started my career in the energy industry in 2001. Over the past 20+ years, I have witnessed the energy market undergo multiple transformations and continuous evolution, from market liberalisation, through the green transition, to the energy crisis of recent years. My professional experience covers a large part of the electricity value chain: I have worked in power plant environment, trading and portfolio management and currently I am a member of the management board of E2 Hungary Zrt. I have worked in trading, trading and portfolio management, and I am also Director of E2 Hungary's Electricity & Power.

I graduated in Management and Organisation from the Corvinus University of Budapest. I started my professional career at the Dunament Power Plant and then worked at the Belgian Electrabel headquarters in Brussels for 4 years. From 2009 I was Director of Procurement and Portfolio Management for Engie's (GdfSuez) energy business (natural gas and electricity) in Hungary. I joined MET Group in 2014, where I was actively involved in the founding of E2 Hungary Zrt. I am a founding member of WONY (Women in Energy), an organisation that aims to increase the role of women leaders in the energy sector

Gábor RékaiBoard Member - gas

In 2000 he graduated from the University of Szeged with specialisations in modeling and programming mathematics. In 2007 he started working in the industry at E.ON Energy Trading Ltd. as a natural gas portfolio manager. At first, he focused on forecasting, optimization and automation. In 2014, CAM NC and BAL NC started to get involved in regulatory work and have since represented the company on the Natural Gas Committee of the HETA. Since 2014, he has been responsible for procurement priority cases. Member of the Data Exchange Control Board from 2021.

Gábor Tatár-KisBoard Member - gas

He currently works as a commerce director at Budapest Power Plant Ltd.

Lajos BütösiBoard Member - gas

Lajos Bütösi has a degree in mechanical engineering and economics and has been working in the field of energy since 1994. From 1994 to 2008 he held a sales position at Shell in both retail fuel and wholesale oil. During this period he gained international experience as Regional Marketing Manager from 2000-2004 and then as Commercial Manager for Central and Eastern Europe until 2008. In the period 2008-2012, he held the position of Country Lead for Shell Hungary Gas & Power during the opening of the Hungarian natural gas market. Until 2019, he was the second TSO Commercial Director of Magyar Gáz Tranzit Zrt. in the Hungarian natural gas sector. He is credited with the introduction of the domestic 2 TSO model, which resulted in comprehensive regulatory, commercial and project management. He then gained a short period of daily operational regulatory experience at the Hungarian Energy Office. From 2023, he will be involved in the domestic gas industry as Commercial Director of Long Term Sales & Supply at MVM CEEnergy Zrt.

Zsuzsa NagyBoard Member - electricity


Dr. Balázs KecskemétiExpert - electricity

Dr. Balázs Kecskeméti received his legal diploma in 2002, and has been working in the electricity business since then. He started at Démász Plc. as a legal clerk dealing with DSO regulatory affairs, then headed the group in charge of DSO relations, especially free market customers management and claims management. He was also the secretary of the Distribution Code Committee. Then at E.ON Customer Care Llc. he was heading a back office serving key account free market customers. Thereafter he was dealing with retail sales and product development at the Hungarian Branch of Alpiq Energy SE (formerly named as Atel Energy Trading Llc.) as a key account manager. Then, as legal counsel at ELMŰ Plc. he was providing full range legal support to the electricity sales (wholesale and retail) activities, carried out the legal support related to the startup of natural gas business (licensing, contractual background of retail and wholesale activities), supervised legal affairs of the Romanian subsidiary of the group, and participated in the preparation/implementation of complex transactions. As of 2016 works as an independent expert for end users and market players related to commercial regulatory and business issues.

He is the power market expert of HETA as of March 2016.

Dr. Judit GroszmanExpert - law

dr. Judit Groszman received her J.D. in 2005. During her studies she worked at the Budapest office of a Greek-Hungarian Law Firm, as paralegal. After receiving her J.D. she started her career in a law firm specialized in civil law as a trainee attorney, concurrently she was a legal advisor in a real estate agency at Budapest. Since March 2007, she has been working at Budapest law Firm No. 5000 as a trainee. After passing the bar exam, she established her law office, and since then she has been working with Budapest law Firm No. 5000. Her practice comprises of giving advice regarding electricity and natural gas regulation, real estate law, various agreements, and, in addition, corporate law. She is the legal expert of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association from January 2015.

Gábor BaliExpert - gas

BALI Gábor is a gas and oil industry expert with more than 18 years of professional experience. He is owner and managing director of BAL I.Q. Bt. and ENERGIQ Kft. and a founding member of EnAcTeam. Currently, he works in the energy sector as an expert invited by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority and the ministries supervising it. Earlier, he gained experience in the operation of the natural gas market as the gas economy director of Dél-dunántúli Gázszolgáltató Zrt. and chairman of the Commercial and Customer Service Committee of the Hungarian Gas Association as well as the chairman of the Directorate of the Kiskunság Zrt. He participated in the development of the new gas market model, and worked out a number of regulatory and business solutions. His professional field of interest includes the following areas: Energy market regulation, expert advice; Managing energy procurement, tendering procedures; Advice for market participants; Giving advice to gas users and Management of quality management systems.

Supervisory Board

Dr. András NémethSupervisory Board Member
József BankaSupervisory Board Member
Viktória VázsonyiSupervisory Board Member
Zoltán FazekasSupervisory Board Member